Data Policy

  • Cookies
  • Privacy

What data is saved?

Like on many other websites, my web servers gathers information that arise when your browser requests files from it. That may include your IP address, what language you are using, name and version of your browser / operation system, and naturally the requested file name and date of the request. I occasionally use the logged data on an aggregate basis of all visitors to learn more about the site's traffic amd to gain useful insights such as what pages were most often requested, what browsers were used or from what country the website was opened at.

This will help me to better organise and design the website, but also to identify potential security weak spots.

What about cookies?

Currently, this websites does not use cookies. No data other than outlined above is stored.

A cookie is a small file that the website may stores, by means of your browser, on your computer. The cookie is specific to the website's domain and it is not possible of one website to read the cookie of another website.

In the future, I may use cookies to save your personal preferences and to recognise you if you visit the website again. Doing so, eases the use of this website and you do not have to re-enter information each time you connect to the website. The cookie may hold only a random number that identifies you, and your information may be saved on the server. Note, that the server may generates a random number that is added to the URL of every web page instead of a cookie. This happens to temporarily hold information of your visit (session).